87 lines
2.9 KiB
87 lines
2.9 KiB
# Strings
# =======================================================================================
# This file contains all soft-coded strings of the theme.
# You can edit them here if you want to change the wording of certain phrases,
# e.g. maybe you prefer "Fetching…" to "Loading…", etc.
# You can also use this to "translate" the theme into different langauges,
# but note that this may not work in all situations,
# especially for languages that differ significantly from English.
home: Start
pages: Seiten
posts: Beiträge
about: Über mich
related_posts: Letzte Beiträge
other_projects: Andere Projekte
comments: Kommentare
jump_to: Springen zu
navigation: Navigation
social: Social
links: Links
pagination: Seiten
newer: Neuer
older: Älter
forward: Vorwärts
back: Rückwärts
permalink: Permalink
permalink_icon: Permalink-Icon
templates: Templates (for web app)
present: present
toc: Inhaltsverzeichnis
note: Notiz
description: Beschreibung
search: Suche
search_placeholder: Schreib etwas...
loading: Lädt…
redirecting: Umleitung…
continue_reading: >
weiterlesen <!--post_title-->
text: >
This site uses cookies. [Cookies Policy](/cookies-policy/).
okay: Okay
title: '404: Seite leider nicht gefunden :('
message: |
Sorry, we've misplaced that URL or it's pointing to something that doesn't exist.
<!--home_link--> to try finding it again.
home_link: Head back home
title: 'Du bist Offline'
message: |
Sorry, but you appear to be offline and this page has not been prepared for offline viewing.
<!--home_link--> to try finding another page.
home_link: Head back home
title: Fehler
message: |
Sorry, an error occurred while loading <!--link-->.
# Separators
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
posted: 'Veröffentlicht'
colon: ':'
separator: '|'
category_start: 'in '
category_spearator: ' / '
tag_start: 'tags: '
tag_separator: ', '
from_to_separator: '–'
# Date formats
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
post: '%d %b %Y'
related_post: '%d %b %Y'
list_group_by: '%Y'
list_entry: '%d %b'
project: '%Y'
projects_group_by: '%Y'
resume: '%b %Y'