### Site Settings ### title : bmen description : >- Zwischen neuesten Technologien und traditionellem Handwerk einzuordnen. baseurl : "" ### Plugins ### plugins: - jemoji ### Navbar Settings ### nav_exclude: # The following paths are excluded from navbar - pages/tags.html - pages/404.html - pages/index.md - pages/datenschutz.md - pages/impressum.md - pages/notice.md ### Author Info ### author: name : Bastian Menningen image : assets/images/bmen-profil.jpg # behance : your_username # dribbble : your_username telegram : bmen_cc email : bastian@bmen.cc # facebook : your_username github : bmen gitlab : bmen gitea : bmen instagram : bmencc # kaggle : your_username # linkedin : your_username # medium : your_username # soundcloud : your_username spotify : b-men # stackoverflow : your_user_id # tumblr : your_username.tumblr.com # twitch : your_username # twitter : your_username # vimeo : your_username # youtube : your_channel_name ### Posts ### permalink: /blog/:title ### Collections ### collections: projects: output: true permalink: /projects/:name ### Disqus ### # disqus: your-short-name-disqus # Your website Shortname on disqus ### Analytics ### analytics: enabled: false # Set true to enable analytics google: tracking_id: your-google-tracking-id ### Defaults for collections ### defaults: - scope: path: "" type: "projects" values: layout: "page" - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: comments: false # Set to true to enable disqus comments ### Exclude from processing ### exclude: - README.md - CONTRIBUTING.md - LICENSE - "*.log" - docker-compose-prod.yml - docker-compose.yml - .drone.yml - .gitignore - Gemfile