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2019-09-22 07:36:54 +00:00
* Migrates old options on update.
* @package GeneratePress
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
add_action( 'admin_init', 'generate_do_db_updates' );
* Process database updates if necessary.
* There's nothing in here yet, but we're setting the version to use later.
* @since 2.1
function generate_do_db_updates() {
// Get the current version.
$current_version = get_option( 'generate_db_version', false );
// Process future database updates here.
// Set the new database version.
if ( version_compare( $current_version, GENERATE_VERSION, '<' ) ) {
update_option( 'generate_db_version', GENERATE_VERSION, false );
if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_update_logo_setting' ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_init', 'generate_update_logo_setting' );
* Migrate the old logo database entry to the new custom_logo theme mod (WordPress 4.5)
* @since 1.3.29
function generate_update_logo_setting() {
// If we're not running WordPress 4.5, bail.
if ( ! function_exists( 'the_custom_logo' ) ) {
// If we already have a custom logo, bail.
if ( get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ) ) {
// Get our settings.
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
// Get the old logo value.
$old_value = $generate_settings['logo'];
// If there's no old value, bail.
if ( empty( $old_value ) ) {
// We made it this far, that means we have an old logo, and no new logo.
// Let's get the ID from our old value.
$logo = attachment_url_to_postid( $old_value );
// Now let's update the new logo setting with our ID.
if ( is_int( $logo ) ) {
set_theme_mod( 'custom_logo', $logo );
// Got our custom logo? Time to delete the old value
if ( get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ) ) {
$new_settings['logo'] = '';
$update_settings = wp_parse_args( $new_settings, $generate_settings );
update_option( 'generate_settings', $update_settings );
if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_typography_convert_values' ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_init', 'generate_typography_convert_values' );
* Take the old body font value and strip it of variants
* This should only run once
* @since 1.3.0
function generate_typography_convert_values() {
// Don't run this if Typography add-on is activated
if ( function_exists( 'generate_fonts_customize_register' ) ) {
// If we've done this before, bail
if ( 'true' == get_option( 'generate_update_core_typography' ) || 'true' == get_option( 'generate_update_premium_typography' ) ) {
// Get all settings
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
// Get our body font family setting
$value = $generate_settings['font_body'];
// Create a new, empty array
$new_settings = array();
// If our value has : in it, and isn't empty
if ( strpos( $value, ':' ) !== false && ! empty( $value ) ) {
// Remove the : and anything past it
$value = current( explode( ':', $value ) );
// Populate our new array with our new, clean value
$new_settings['font_body'] = $value;
// Update our options if our new array isn't empty
if ( ! empty( $new_settings ) ) {
$generate_new_typography_settings = wp_parse_args( $new_settings, $generate_settings );
update_option( 'generate_settings', $generate_new_typography_settings );
// All done, set an option so we don't go through this again
update_option( 'generate_update_core_typography','true' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_typography_set_font_data' ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_init', 'generate_typography_set_font_data' );
* This function will check to see if your category and variants are saved
* If not, it will set them for you
* Generally, set_theme_mod isn't best practice, but this is here for migration purposes for a set amount of time only
* Any time a user saves a font in the Customizer from now on, the category and variants are saved as theme_mods, so this function won't be necessary.
* @since 1.3.40
function generate_typography_set_font_data() {
// Get our defaults
$defaults = generate_get_default_fonts();
// Get our settings
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
// We don't need to do this if we're using the default font, as these values have defaults already
if ( $defaults['font_body'] == $generate_settings['font_body'] ) {
// Don't need to continue if we're using a system font or our default font
if ( in_array( $generate_settings['font_body'], generate_typography_default_fonts() ) ) {
// Don't continue if our category and variants are already set
if ( get_theme_mod( 'font_body_category' ) && get_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants' ) ) {
// Get all of our fonts
$fonts = generate_get_all_google_fonts();
// Get the ID from our font
$id = strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '_', $generate_settings['font_body'] ) );
// If the ID doesn't exist within our fonts, we can bail
if ( ! array_key_exists( $id, $fonts ) ) {
// Let's grab our category to go with our font
$category = ! empty( $fonts[$id]['category'] ) ? $fonts[$id]['category'] : '';
// Grab all of the variants associated with our font
$variants = $fonts[$id]['variants'];
// Loop through our variants and put them into an array, then turn them into a comma separated list
$output = array();
if ( $variants ) {
foreach ( $variants as $variant ) {
$output[] = $variant;
$variants = implode(',', $output);
// Set our theme mods with our new settings
if ( '' !== $category ) {
set_theme_mod( 'font_body_category', $category );
if ( '' !== $variants ) {
set_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants', $variants );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'generate_migrate_existing_settings', 1 );
* Execute functions after existing sites update.
* We check to see if options already exist. If they do, we can assume the user has
* updated the theme, and not installed it from scratch.
* We run this right away in the Dashboard to avoid other migration functions from
* setting options and causing these functions to run on fresh installs.
* @since 2.0
function generate_migrate_existing_settings() {
// Existing settings with no defaults.
$existing_settings = get_option( 'generate_settings' );
if ( get_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants', '' ) ) {
$existing_settings['font_body_variants'] = get_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants' );
if ( get_theme_mod( 'font_body_category', '' ) ) {
$existing_settings['font_body_category'] = get_theme_mod( 'font_body_category' );
// Existing settings with defaults.
$settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
// Empty arrays to add data to.
$migrated_flags = array();
$new_settings = array();
// An option to see what we've migrated.
$migration_settings = get_option( 'generate_migration_settings', array() );
// We have settings, so this isn't a fresh install.
if ( ! empty( $existing_settings ) ) {
// Turn on the full Font Awesome library for existing websites.
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['font_awesome_essentials_updated'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['font_awesome_essentials_updated'] ) {
$new_settings['font_awesome_essentials'] = false;
// Turn off dynamic CSS caching for existing websites.
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['skip_dynamic_css_cache'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['skip_dynamic_css_cache'] ) {
$new_settings['dynamic_css_cache'] = false;
// Set our font family to Open Sans if we never saved a different font.
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['default_font_updated'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['default_font_updated'] ) {
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
'font_body' => 'Open Sans',
$category = get_theme_mod( 'font_body_category', 'sans-serif' );
$variants = get_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants', '300,300italic,regular,italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic' );
if ( 'Open Sans' == $generate_settings['font_body'] ) {
$new_settings['font_body'] = 'Open Sans';
set_theme_mod( 'font_body_category', $category );
set_theme_mod( 'font_body_variants', $variants );
// Set blog post content to full content if it hasn't been set otherwise.
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['blog_post_content_preview'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['blog_post_content_preview'] ) {
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'generate_settings', array() ),
'post_content' => 'full',
if ( 'full' === $generate_settings['post_content'] ) {
$new_settings['post_content'] = 'full';
// Set our flags.
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['font_awesome_essentials_updated'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['font_awesome_essentials_updated'] ) {
$migrated_flags['font_awesome_essentials_updated'] = 'true';
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['skip_dynamic_css_cache'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['skip_dynamic_css_cache'] ) {
$migrated_flags['skip_dynamic_css_cache'] = 'true';
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['default_font_updated'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['default_font_updated'] ) {
$migrated_flags['default_font_updated'] = 'true';
if ( ! isset( $migration_settings['blog_post_content_preview'] ) || 'true' !== $migration_settings['blog_post_content_preview'] ) {
$migrated_flags['blog_post_content_preview'] = 'true';
// Merge our new settings with our existing settings.
if ( ! empty( $new_settings ) ) {
$update_settings = wp_parse_args( $new_settings, $settings );
update_option( 'generate_settings', $update_settings );
// Set our migrated setting flags.
if ( ! empty( $migrated_flags ) ) {
$update_migration_flags = wp_parse_args( $migrated_flags, $migration_settings );
update_option( 'generate_migration_settings', $update_migration_flags );