# qnap ## cronjob Allgmeines über cronjobs hier: https://git.bmen.cc/server/server-befehle **Do NOT edit crontab the usual way!** `crontab -e` However, due to the way the QNAP firmware updates crontab, it will be overwritten on the next reboot. Obviously, you want your automation to survive reboots, so edit the crontab file directly with your text editor: ``` vim /etc/config/crontab ``` When you're done, reload the crontab file and restart the cron daemon: ``` crontab /etc/config/crontab && /etc/init.d/crond.sh restart ``` https://wiki.qnap.com/wiki/Add_items_to_crontab ## rsync ### Nextcloud Daten aus Hetzner Storage ``` rsync -trl --delete --partial -e 'ssh -p23' --exclude 'user1/files_trashbin/*' --exclude 'user2/files_trashbin/*' @.your-storagebox.de: /share/Nextcloud ``` ## Screen Macke Beim Starten von `screen` kommt folgender Fehler: `Cannot find terminfo entry for 'xterm-256color'` und das ist die Lösung: ``` export TERM=xterm-xfree86 screen ```